Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 3-Software

        More and more applications are used in the Social Media. Those applications make the social media more interesting and catch people eyeballs to use them or play them. A very important concept is that when you click on the button and you enter the application on the social media page, you may realize there are punch of advertisements on the top, side or even bottom. It is a right change for the entrepreneur to publicize their item. Why? Because there is a big part of the users may click the application button no matter they are on purpose or just because of boring. They may take a look on the advertisements put on the web page.
        Application software is a valuable tool for a PC, it comes together with the hard software. Like you have your body and brain. The body is carrying your brain, you can not be alive with only body but without the brain. 
        The softwares provide us to do almost everything that we want to do on the computer. Editing photos, play videos or music that we fanatical like, we can type papers and can change the font style or color to the one that we like, we can use the software for communication. Take a look on MSN or email, they make the people like international students who are learning aboard are available to write letters or video call with their families. How important to install some of these softwares. They make this world getting smaller, people getting no distance with others although they are not at the same country. 
        Softwares are easy to be installed or uninstalled, once you don't think the software is useful or there are most advanced editions came out you can just uninstalled them and install a new one. You don't have to care about they occupy many spaces on your PC because of the convenience. And of course different people who are working on the different area could choose different kind of softwares to support their works. 
        We gotta thanks for these softwares on the computer, life can't be any easier today. 

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